Top 10 Tips to Help Your Dog Lose Weight

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Did you know that over half of all dogs in the U.S. are considered overweight or obese? Obesity isn't just a human epidemic; it affects our four-legged friends too. According to the Association for Pet Obesity Prevention, approximately 59% of dogs and 61% of cats in the United States were classified as overweight or obese in 2022.

Yep, our pooches are packing on the pounds, and it's affecting their health. Excess weight can lead to a slew of health issues for your canine companion, including diabetes, hypertension, bladder stones, cancer, kidney disease, osteoarthritis, and a shortened lifespan (typically living two years less than dogs who are an appropriate weight).

If your dog has packed on a few extra pounds, it's crucial to take action.

Here are the top 10 tips to help your dog lose weight and maintain a healthy lifestyle.

1. Consult a Veterinarian First

Before embarking on any weight loss journey, consult your veterinarian for a thorough evaluation of your pet’s health. They can rule out underlying health issues that may be contributing to the weight gain and help set a safe weight loss goal.

Golden retriever being weighed at a veterinarian office.

2. Portion Control: No More Guesswork!

You'd be surprised at how often we "eyeball" our dog's food and get it wrong. This can lead to unintentional overfeeding. "Free feeding," or leaving food out all day for your dog to eat as they please, can contribute to weight gain for some pups as well as making a rehab session much harder. Why? Free fed dogs are never hungry so they won’t work for treats! So grab a measuring cup and give your dog the amount recommended by our veterinarian in your initial consult. The feeding guidelines on the dog food package are meant to sell more food and tend to be much higher amounts than the animal needs.

3. Dieting for Dogs? Nutritional Analysis

Many pet food manufacturers produce 'weight control' or 'low-fat' options that still deliver the essential nutrients your dog needs. At our clinic we’ve had great success with Blue Buffalo Natural Veterinary Diet W+M Weight Management + Mobility Support Dry Dog Food. Our veterinarians may also recommend other types of food, including fresh and/or home-cooked. Remember, quality matters! Look for whole, natural ingredients.

4. Scheduled Feeding Times

Dogs thrive on routine. Having a set feeding time not only helps you remember their meals but also sets a pattern for your pup's digestive system, making weight management easier. Stick to a regular feeding schedule, usually twice a day, to help regulate your dog’s metabolism and digestive system.

5. Exercise is Crucial

Your dog’s ancestors were natural hunters and gatherers—movement is in their DNA! A brisk daily walk can do wonders for weight loss. For those who enjoy play, a game of fetch or even an obstacle course in your backyard can be both fun and beneficial. The general guideline is that dogs should get between 30 minutes to two hours of exercise each day. This can vary based on breed, age, health, and individual needs. At Two Hands Four Paws we are also strong believers in the low-impact benefits of hydrotherapy, especially in our full-size pool. We offer twice-weekly “Fun Swims” to keep our canine swimmers trim and fit. Keep in mind, just like us humans, we want our pooches to work up to longer activity times and build their endurance!

6. Limit Treats and Table Scraps

While it's tempting to indulge those puppy-dog eyes, treats and table scraps are often high in calories and low in nutrients. Instead, opt for healthier options like dehydrated sweet potatoes, apple slices, or blueberries instead of processed treats. As always, no grapes or raisins allowed for dogs! *Remember, treats should not make up more than 10% of your dog’s daily caloric intake.

Yellow lab eating watermelon.

7. Quality Time Over Food Rewards

Many of us equate food with love. We get it; you love spoiling your perfect pup! But affection doesn't have to come in an edible form. A good belly rub, fun games to play, or quality time spent together can be as rewarding as any treat. Grooming, cuddling, and extended playtime can replace calorie-laden rewards. Even better? Grab their leash and take them for a long walk!

8. Track Progress

A weekly weigh-in can help keep your dog's weight loss on track. Use your vet’s scale or your own (just subtract your weight from the combined weight of you and your dog). Keep a record of your dog’s weight, food intake, and exercise. This will help you and your vet evaluate what’s working and what adjustments need to be made to your dog’s weight loss plan.

9. Involve the Whole Family

Teamwork makes the dream work! Make sure everyone in the household knows the game plan. This prevents double feeding or unauthorized treats that can sabotage your efforts. Everyone in the household should be on board with your dog's weight loss plan. If your dog regularly picks up dropped food items from the floor while your kids are eating, plan to block access to eating areas during mealtime to prevent unwanted calories. And watch out for Grandpa or Grandma slipping a few treats your pet’s way. We know it comes from a place of love, but everyone needs to stick to the plan!

10. Regular Check-ups

Weight loss is a journey, and regular physical exams are your roadmap. Frequent check-ups help adjust your dog's diet and exercise routine as needed and catch any potential problems early. Periodic vet visits are essential for monitoring weight loss, adjusting food portions, and ensuring your dog is losing weight at a healthy rate.

Wrapping It Up

Remember, weight loss is a gradual process and it's important to stay committed to your dog’s health. Your dedication will lead to a happier, healthier, more active, and potentially longer life for your furry friend (and maybe you too!). So here's to a leaner, meaner, but still incredibly cuddly, canine companion! After all, a fit dog is a happy dog!